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Information for the listings in this special campaign site is drawn from our online New Zealand Bed & Breakfast Guide.
Listing on our New Zealand Bed & Breakfast Guide is FREE and does not create any other obligation. It doeshowever, produce a lot of traffic for you.
The average listing is seen some 10,000 times a year and receives an average of just over 500 referrals to the property’s own website.
To join our Bed & Breakfast in New Zealand special campaign site your first step is to set up a listing in our TrueNZ New Zealand Bed & Breakfast Guide.
If you are already listed with TrueNZ please click here
Not already listed? No problem, it’s very easy to do, all done online starting here: Start listing
The specific purpose of this site is to be the landing page for the extensive online advertising TrueNZ is running to:
Our campaign does produce results! We know this from campaigns we have already run.
There is a cost to participate in our campaign.
We’ve kept it modest though at $17.50 per month per property. To minimise our own costs, monthly subs can only be paid by bank direct debit. Alternatively a single contribution paid in advance is fine. We’ll bill you when you’re all set to go.